
  • The dual challenge of implementing IFRS 17 and IFRS 9

    21 November 2019

    Insurers across the world whose accounting practices are based on IFRS principles are busy preparing for the most radical shakeup for a generation. Cintia Cheong explains the basics behind those changes and how the industry is preparing

  • Auditors "probably the biggest risk" in IFRS 17 implementation

    07 November 2019

    Experts warn of consequences of not engaging with stakeholders early

  • Bermudian insurers target efficient and scalable risk modelling

    21 October 2019

    More “industrial” processes needed as insurers grow, according to Aon

  • The technology trends in risk and capital management

    10 October 2019

    As re/insurers look to implement IFRS 17, manage cyber risk and drive modelling efficiencies, software vendors are gearing up to respond. Cloud and process automation solutions also figure highly in this year's InsuranceERM Technology Guide, introduced by Ronan McCaughey

  • Rothesay Life claims UK's largest pensions buy-out deal

    26 September 2019

    Liabilities valued at £4.7bn to be transferred from GEC pension plan

  • Novis adopts ReMetrica for life and health capital modelling

    19 September 2019

    Innovative Slovakian insurer is growing fast across central and eastern Europe

  • Wildfire scores, shake vouchers and robotics: reinsurers reveal tech plans at RVS

    10 September 2019

    Leveraging of technology dominates Rendez-vous de Septembre discussions, as Cintia Cheong reports

  • Aon appoints Chaucer MD to lead UK & EMEA reinsurance analytics

    02 September 2019

    Gero Michel to advise Aon clients on capital-efficient and structured solutions

  • UK bulk annuity market to surpass £35bn in 2019

    19 August 2019

    Market growth is driven by improved pricing, capacity and scheme funding, said Aon

  • Insured natural catastrophe losses "below average" in H1

    23 July 2019

    Research from Aon revealed insured losses from natural catastrophes is decreasing