
  • Longevity risk modelling: what have we learned from Covid-19?

    17 June 2020

    Cintia Cheong talks to Joseph Lu, Colin Dutkiewicz and Mark Cooper how Covid-19 is impacting longevity and what life re/insurers should consider in their modelling and risk management

  • ABI chair and former MP join UK's pandemic risk pool initiative

    01 June 2020

    Pandemic Re Steering Committee forms six working groups

  • UK insurance industry to raise £100m to fight Covid-19

    18 May 2020

    Supporters include Lloyd's of London and Aviva

  • Aon's ReMetrica revs up with V8 launch

    17 May 2020

    Update includes a model-building tool for non-technical users

  • IAG warns "no easy ride" for reinsurers hiking prices at next renewals

    30 April 2020

    Insurer does not foresee repeat of 47% price jumps experienced in 2011/12

  • MetLife increases dividend by 4.5%

    29 April 2020

    US insurer counters European trend of dividend cuts

  • Cat bond market hits record highs despite Covid-19 hit

    27 April 2020

    Q1 2020 was the strongest quarter of catastrophe bond issuance in history

  • Choosing KPIs for IFRS 17

    09 April 2020

    IFRS 17 is bringing a fundamental change in the accounting of re/insurance contracts for more than a thousand insurance entities around the world. Milena Lacheta and Wijdan Yousuf explain what analysts, rating agencies and auditors are thinking about measuring performance under the new standard

  • Ways Covid-19 could financially hit re/insurers

    30 March 2020

    Update shared by Covid-19 actuaries response group

  • Aon-WTW merger will dominate non-life actuarial modelling market

    12 March 2020

    ReMetrica and Igloo are the leading platforms among UK general insurers