
  • People moves: Insurance Europe, Amice, Guy Carpenter

    04 June 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • Solvency II proportionality rules "don't work in practice"

    30 September 2019

    Insurance Europe and Amice call on European Commission to act

  • What's next for the MA and VA?

    04 July 2019

    More than €100bn of capital relief is provided by Solvency II's matching and volatility adjustments, but they are far from uncontroversial. As the European Commission begins to consider reforms, Christopher Cundy reports on the problems and possible solutions

  • Solvency II: what reforms can we expect?

    27 December 2018

    Christopher Cundy examines what will change with the two scheduled reviews of Solvency II and the other issues set to influence the EU's landmark insurance legislation

  • Solving Solvency II's proportionality riddle

    06 April 2018

    Smaller insurers have long complained about the burden of complying with Solvency II, but balancing proportionality with proper supervision continues to be debated. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • Capital requirements remain top of the agenda in Solvency II review

    27 March 2018

    Brussels meeting kicks off proposals for 2021 review

  • European mutuals trumpet business-boosting initiatives

    09 June 2017

    Project aims to promote mutuals and co-operative insurers, says Amice

  • Insurers split on recovery and resolution planning

    16 March 2017

    As the IAIS looks to develop a market-wide approach to systemic risk, Eiopa is developing rules that will require recovery and resolution plans from all insurers regardless of their size. This broader approach to systemic risk has split industry opinion and pitted large firms against small. Callum Tanner reports

  • Insurers slam Eiopa plans on recovery and resolution

    06 March 2017

    Solvency II already provides strong consumer protection and financial stability says Insurance Europe

  • Insurers risk legal trouble for missing IPID deadline

    31 October 2016

    Sales may be halted if firms have insufficient time to comply, lobby groups warn