
  • Allianz's renewable energy investment tops €1.5bn following Google deal

    06 June 2013

    Deal matches long-term liabilities of insurance companies

  • Allianz cat bond covers North American storms and quakes

    24 May 2013

    Blue Danube II issue raised from $150m $175m

  • Eiopa calls for stakeholder group members

    14 May 2013

    Applicants for re/insurance and pensions groups wanted by 23 June

  • Generating return in a cold climate

    03 May 2013

    Low interest rates are prompting insurers to look to further afield in their hunt for yield. For those with resources and dedication, two major areas of focus right now are corporate loans and infrastructure lending. But are these the assets of the future that many say they are? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • On the road to common standards for group capital

    24 April 2013

    A recent Geneva Association report revealed some surprises in the capital management of global insurance groups - and a reluctance to rush towards global standards. Co-author Kathrin Hoppe explains to Christopher Cundy

  • China to take second spot in global insurance market

    23 April 2013

    Rising middle class to boost market

  • Milliman hires German non-life leader

    25 March 2013

    Marcus Looft joins from Allianz

  • Infrastructure investment hit by capital rules, says Allianz

    11 March 2013

    Regulations go against economic sense

  • Most US insurers lack climate change strategy

    08 March 2013

    Ceres analysis of 184 insurers finds many are unprepared for climate change

  • Eiopa group seeks feedback on internal model guidelines

    06 March 2013

    Stakeholder group to release draft on 16 April