
  • German life insurers face losses if interest rates remain low

    24 October 2013

    Mismatched assets and liabilities and high guarantees leave sector vulnerable, says Moody's

  • S&P warns against slowing ERM in light of Solvency II delay

    21 October 2013

    Response is indicative of which insurers take ERM seriously, rating agency says

  • Aegon leads, Aviva lags in reducing leverage

    19 September 2013

    Insurers to continue using excess cash to pay off debt, says Moody's

  • Nine global systemically important insurers named

    19 July 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's designation of systemically risky insurers has brought howls of protest from the industry, but the impact on the nine firms is not easy to gauge. Christopher Cundy reports

  • European flood losses surpass $1.6bn

    16 July 2013

    Partner Re is latest to report impact

  • Swiss Re expects $300m in claims from European floods

    08 July 2013

    Puts total cost to insurance industry at $3.5bn-4.5bn

  • Protests against FTT build up steam

    21 June 2013

    Europe's Financial Transaction Tax has now been adopted by 11 states. Many insurers argue that the tax will make running their businesses more difficult and costly -- to the detriment of their customers. With less than six months left until the official implementation date, Sarfraz Thind looks at whether the industry has time to make its voice heard

  • Infrastructure investment in vogue following Axa's €10bn plan

    19 June 2013

    Concerns about treatment under Solvency II partially recede, says Fitch

  • Allianz issues preliminary flood loss estimate

    14 June 2013

    Gross impact on the group over €0.5bn

  • Insured losses from German flood to reach €2.5bn-3bn

    11 June 2013

    But impact on insurers' credit profiles "should be minimal", says Fitch