
  • Generali's rating lowered on back of sovereign downgrade

    15 December 2014

    S&P cuts by one notch the ratings of Allianz, Unipol and Societa Catolica

  • Analysts estimate HLA impact for Allianz

    13 November 2014

    Will shrink capital surplus for G-SIIs

  • Allianz increases solvency ratio by 3%

    07 November 2014

    Proposes to increase shareholder dividend

  • FSB puts off designation of systemic reinsurers until 2016

    06 November 2014

    IAIS ordered to revise assessment methodology

  • EU supervisors split about sovereign bond charges

    04 November 2014

    Internal model firms face inconsistent requirements

  • Insurance reforms to reshape Indonesian market

    04 November 2014

    Firms required to spin-off sharia-units over a decade

  • The broad view

    21 October 2014

    Tom Wilson, CRO of Allianz, talks to Marcus Alcock about the need for supervisors to adapt as well, his difficulty with traditional insurance being deemed systemically relevant, and the trials and tribulations involved in submitting a trial IMAP which is over 100,000 pages long

  • Large insurer capital base set to strengthen

    17 October 2014

    S&P suggests driver uncertainty over global capital standard

  • Michael Renz to chair AAE

    07 October 2014

    Succeeds Malcom Campbell as chairman of European actuaries group

  • Allianz chief to quit in May

    02 October 2014

    Diekmann was rumoured to be staying to manage Pimco troubles