
  • Agenda 2017 part 1: Insurers prepare for another volatile year

    10 January 2017

    Brexit, Solvency II look-through disclosures, SFCR reports, the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Solvency II and the fallout from the Eiopa stress tests all present a daunting year ahead for insurance risk managers. Callum Tanner reports

  • View from the Top: Balancing independence and impact

    22 December 2016

    In his quarterly column for InsuranceERM, Tom Wilson, chief risk officer for Allianz, shares his insights into managing risk and capital. In this instalment, Tom discusses the difference between risk controlling and risk management – or how a CRO can balance independence and business impact within the "three lines of defence" model

  • Trio of German life insurers cut rates on policies

    09 December 2016

    Allianz, Ergo and Axa take knife to policy guarantees amid ultra-low rates

  • IFRS 17: the new cloud on the horizon

    08 December 2016

    Could IFRS 17 be even more burdensome and costly than Solvency II? A final text is due to be published in March and insurers are looking for fundamental changes – otherwise some will face a long and expensive path to compliance. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Allianz rejects M&A, until prices more reasonable

    30 November 2016

    German insurer says industry lifeboat facility not there for systemic failures

  • Insurers attempt compromise on EU and US accounting for ICS [CORRECTED]

    29 November 2016

    "Own assets with guardrails" approach merges elements of MAV with GAAP+

  • FSB designates same nine G-Siis

    21 November 2016

    New IAIS designation methodology was not used

  • Allianz slams Eiopa update to volatility adjustment

    11 November 2016

    Inclusion of unit-linked assets in reference portfolio reduces sovereign discounting

  • Low rates prompt Munich Re to use Solvency II transitionals

    09 November 2016

    Despite "comfortable" group solvency ratio of 250%

  • PwC and Z/Yen to investigate how blockchain improves insurers' processes

    04 November 2016

    Project will analyse how insurtech helps wholesale and retail insurance