
  • Insurers under fire for underwriting coal industry

    10 August 2017

    Divesting from coal companies while continuing to underwrite them is a 'blind spot' of insurers' climate policies, according to campaigners. Cintia Cheong investigates what four insurers are doing about it

  • Allianz to acquire 70% of LV='s general insurance business

    04 August 2017

    German insurer is paying an initial £500m for 50% stake in new joint venture

  • Breakdown between political risk and financial markets will not last - Allianz

    14 July 2017

    The normalising of monetary policy will test current assumptions, says report

  • Solvency II capital benefit from diversification surprises equity analysts

    04 July 2017

    Pure-play firms gain as much multi-line groups

  • View from the Top: Turning ORSA on its head

    27 June 2017

    In his quarterly column for InsuranceERM, Tom Wilson, chief risk officer for Allianz, shares his insights into managing risk and capital. In this instalment, Tom describes how insurers can get value out of the ORSA by focusing less on regulatory reporting and more on risk and capital management as a continuous process

  • Malaysia expands cap on foreign ownership of local insurers

    23 June 2017

    At least 30% of each firm must be owned by Malaysian investors says Central Bank

  • SFCRs - the one-tonne paper chase by European insurers

    15 June 2017

    Analysis of public Solvency II reports shows literally a tonne of information is now available to stakeholders. But who will use it? Do the reports satisfy stakeholders? And how might the reports evolve? David Walker reports

  • Allianz's Wilcox: CRO role still in "teenager" phase

    31 May 2017

    As Stephen Wilcox looks set to leave Allianz UK by the end of the summer, he reflects on how his role as CRO has developed over the last seven years alongside more recent regulatory and political frustrations. He spoke to Callum Tanner at Allianz's office in London.

  • Wilcox to quit as Allianz UK CRO

    25 May 2017

    No replacement decided yet, said to be considering NED roles

  • Eiopa defends UFR methodology in final paper

    23 May 2017

    Industry would have preferred recalculation every five to ten years