
  • AMP life insurance sale on the brink of collapse

    15 July 2019

    Intervention from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has thrown the deal into doubt

  • New Zealand regulator admits failure over CBL supervision

    04 July 2019

    CBL's reserving and management issues should have been addressed more urgently, RBNZ says

  • NN Group develops coal exclusionary underwriting criteria

    29 May 2019

    The Dutch insurer’s coal policy aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy

  • German life insurers relish €4.5bn-plus saving on ZZR contributions

    14 May 2019

    The revised methodology for calculating Germany's special interest rate reserves is saving billions for the country's life insurers. David Walker reports

  • Talanx heralds good start to 2019

    09 May 2019

    First quarter result leaves German ahead of path to full-year goal

  • Samsung takes stake in Canopius

    03 May 2019

    Talanx and Darag also reveal M&A deals this week

  • Talanx and Hannover Re issue coal restrictions

    23 April 2019

    A limited number of exceptions will be allowed, however, on a case-by case basis

  • "The Solvency II review is a Herculean task for regulators"

    11 April 2019

    Talanx's chief risk officer Gerhard Stahl talks to David Walker about the 2020 review of Solvency II, how to improve risk reporting, and the story behind ESG integration

  • Nat cats blow Talanx's large loss insurance budget for 2018

    18 March 2019

    But rule changes more than halve German insurer’s necessary life interest reserving

  • Uniqa stops insuring new coal business

    15 March 2019

    Climate activist group Unfriend Coal has welcomed Uniqa's move, but said more can be done