
  • Over half of insurers behind target on operational efficiency

    29 April 2019

    KPMG and Acord survey also highlights limited integration of technology platforms

  • RMS targets efficient accumulation risk management with data schema

    02 October 2018

    Insurers have identified a need to better understand how risk accumulates across different business lines. Paul Walsh talks to RMS's Andrew Coburn to understand how the firm's new data schema will help.

  • Acord unveils cyber risk data breach standard

    09 July 2018

    Insurers Aon and Beazley supported Acord’s project to improve cyber risk data sharing in the insurance industry

  • Marine insurance blockchain platform hopes to cut costs, risks and capital

    07 June 2018

    The world's first blockchain platform for the marine insurance sector was launched at the end of May. Paul Walsh sits down with some of the platform's leaders to discuss how it will save costs and reduce risk