
  • Growth of own funds offsets Achmea's increased market risk

    17 August 2017

    The eligible own funds at the Dutch underwriter outgrew the regulatory requirement for them, by mid-year

  • Achmea health unit issues bond to fix capital shortfall

    04 July 2017

    FBTO Zorgverzekeringen failed to meet solvency capital requirement

  • European mutuals trumpet business-boosting initiatives

    09 June 2017

    Project aims to promote mutuals and co-operative insurers, says Amice

  • Dutch lawyers planning to sue ASR and Achmea for €1.2bn

    29 March 2017

    Wakkerpolis lawyer reveals big plans to tackle hidden charges in investment insurance

  • Achmea suffers 2016 loss and faces future solvency challenges

    15 March 2017

    Deferred tax and health premium reforms due in 2017

  • S&P downgrades Achmea one notch to BBB+

    26 July 2016

    Rating action reflects weaker earnings forecast

  • Achmea's solvency ratio rises 18% year-on-year

    06 April 2016

    Benefits from late changes to directive interpretations

  • Eiopa elects new stakeholder group

    04 March 2016

    Karel Van Hulle, Arendse Huub and Benoît Hugonin among the members

  • Risk qualifications stir up debate on CRO's role

    23 February 2016

    Attempts to professionalise risk management through certification schemes have reopened discussions about the evolving role of the chief risk officer. Asa Gibson reports

  • UFR reduction should be tied to relaxation of MA - Vet

    22 February 2016

    Former chairman of CRO Forum argues industry is addicted to UFR benefit