
  • RMS cloud will be AIR-less

    21 June 2013

    Catastrophe modelling firms are promising to shift risk management into a higher gear with the launch of their various platforms and RMS has even thrown open its new service to third-party modellers. AIR Worldwide's Bill Churney explains why his firm won't be joining in

  • German floods scenario model launched by Impact Forecasting

    13 June 2013

    Based on images from German Aerospace Centre and Perils

  • Cat model uncertainties addressed by new Impact Forecasting tools

    21 May 2013

    Focus is similar to that of RMS(one) platform

  • Impact Forecasting adds cat scenario models

    11 March 2013

    Superstorm Sandy, Thai flood, Japanese tsunami and European windstorm now included

  • Cat modellers set out their platforms

    26 February 2013

    For Eqecat, AIR and RMS, the future is platforms and the promise to give clients more model transparency and control. Open-architecture initiatives such as Oasis are also gearing up. Lorna Davies details the developments

  • Asta brings new syndicate to Lloyd's

    05 February 2013

    Nephila-backed Syndicate 2357 will underwrite catastrophe excess of loss reinsurance

  • Insured losses for 2012 were 36% higher than average

    24 January 2013

    Sandy and US drought were most costly, says Impact Forecasting