
  • US insurers applaud litigation disclosure requirement

    21 April 2022

    APCIA says litigation transparency needed as social inflation threat grows

  • Brexit is UK's opportunity to improve transatlantic ties, says US association

    17 February 2022

    APCIA weighs in with thoughts on House of Lords' consultation

  • US P&C insurers hit for $5.6bn underwriting loss

    16 February 2022

    Non-catastrophe losses returned to pre-pandemic levels in the first nine months of 2021

  • Insurers decry California's proposed wildfire model regulations

    11 November 2021

    Industry argues wildfire insurance rules will stifle innovation and hit participation

  • California and Washington push for TCFD climate reporting for US

    09 June 2021

    Insurance associations remain lukewarm on "resource intensive" standard

  • US flood insurance has been "an abject failure"

    04 March 2021

    Insurance state commissioners debate need for nationwide climate change policies

  • US Elections: a divided government is good for insurers

    11 November 2020

    Joe Biden's win comes after an extended period of uncertainty and division that has clouded US politics. However, division is not the worst enemy of the US insurance industry, but "populist" reforms promised by the Democratic party may well be. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US insurers call on China to tear down discriminatory trade barriers

    12 October 2020

    APCIA demands strong enforcement so US insurers can carry business into offshore markets

  • US insurers seeking to corral UK support over ICS with new financial alliance

    28 September 2020

    APCIA says the British American Finance Alliance could align the US and UK positions

  • US industry associations deny relevance of UK BI case verdict

    17 September 2020

    The UK case found in favour of policyholders and had been expected to provide template for other jurisdictions