
  • Insurers face up to €1.6bn losses from Storm Eleanor

    11 January 2018

    AIR loss estimate includes property damage but not business interruption

  • Sompo expands risks and skills by buying US specialist Lexon

    04 January 2018

    Japanese M&A underscores Fitch's recent prediction of foreign deals in 2018

  • AIR Worldwide halves upper estimate of hurricane Maria loss

    07 December 2017

    New reports and closer analysis led to its revision, it says

  • AIR raises California wildfires loss estimate to $10.5bn

    17 November 2017

    Three times higher than last month's estimates

  • California wildfires cost 15 insurers $3bn

    01 November 2017

    Number is "sure to grow", says insurance commissioner

  • California wildfires to cause up to $3bn of insured losses, says AIR

    27 October 2017

    Half of higher end of RMS's initial estimates

  • Hurricane loss estimates: clawing for credibility

    24 October 2017

    Cat modellers' loss estimates following this year's major hurricanes were surprisingly far apart. Christopher Cundy asks if the sector is doing the right thing

  • Loss adjuster costs to spike in Florida, briefly, predicts AIR Worldwide

    19 October 2017

    The firm recommends insurers use drones more to dampen wage inflation

  • RMS: Insured Maria losses could hit $30bn

    28 September 2017

    Hurricane Maria tore through the Caribbean as a category 5 hurricane earlier this month

  • Caribbean insurers face up to $85bn losses from Maria, AIR estimates

    26 September 2017

    Puerto Rico absorbs more than 85% of the loss