
  • Insured losses from typhoon Mangkhut could hit $2bn

    26 September 2018

    Latest reports indicate over 100 people have died as result of the storm.

  • RMS predicts up to $5bn insured losses from Florence

    25 September 2018

    Florence’s economic damage could be more than twice as severe, modellers say

  • AIR Worldwide warns of likely $4.6bn Florence insured losses

    18 September 2018

    Florence was downgraded to a tropical depression earlier this week but still brought destructive flooding

  • Legal & General claims largest ever UK bulk annuity deal

    13 September 2018

    Transaction with British Airways pension scheme valued at £4.4bn

  • AIR Worldwide releases typhoon Jebi insured loss estimate

    10 September 2018

    Storm hit Japan on 4 September causing major property damage

  • AIR partners with Capsicum Re to tackle silent cyber risk

    04 September 2018

    Uncertainty could come from property, marine and other non-cyber lines of business, says AIR

  • AIR Worldwide updates wildfire modelling

    13 August 2018

    Wildfires are devastating areas of California again

  • AIR Worldwide launches cat modelling tool for reinsurance

    01 August 2018

    Touchstone Re replaces CATRADER

  • Cat modelling firms facing renewed pressure on loss estimates

    13 July 2018

    JLT Re urges cat modellers to strengthen authority over post-event loss forecasts

  • MEPs seek scrutiny of IFRS 17 implementation timeline

    04 June 2018

    European Parliament's Econ committee files draft resolution demanding deeper investigation of accounting standard