
  • UK insurers criticise regulator after parliamentary report on Solvency II

    27 October 2017

    Trade body says PRA will have to go further in its proposed reforms

  • Draft Eiopa paper recommends no change to Solvency II risk margin

    26 October 2017

    Decision likely to anger UK annuity industry

  • UK seeking bespoke Brexit deal for cross-border insurance policies

    12 October 2017

    Philip Hammond responds to questions from Treasury Select Committee

  • UK government inspects price comparison site over home insurance pricing

    26 September 2017

    Competition and Markets Authority suspects insurers forced to sell at lower prices than they would on other outlets

  • MPs request solution for cross-border insurance contracts written before Brexit

    18 September 2017

    UK industry fears loss of legal authorisation without agreement to replace passporting

  • UK government proposes higher Ogden rate

    07 September 2017

    Promises relief for insurers and motor insurance buyers

  • ICS version 1.0 inspires little faith in IAIS timetable

    15 August 2017

    Despite the IAIS heralding the launch of insurance capital standard version 1.0, insurers say it has achieved a lot less than originally promised. Is it time to scale back ambitions for version 2.0? Callum Tanner reports

  • ABI slams PRA for adding more Solvency II reporting requirements

    11 August 2017

    Any additional burden should be offset by cut in other reporting, says ABI's Findlay

  • UK insurers seeking certainty on processing data under GDPR, says ABI

    08 August 2017

    Restriction would impact insurers business models, says law firm

  • 50 insurers to test global capital standard

    21 July 2017

    Version 1.0 of ICS released for extended field test