
  • XL hires Leila Madeiros as compliance and regulatory head

    16 January 2018

    ABIR deputy director joins re/insurer in Bermuda

  • Former US insurance commissioner to lead Bermuda re/insurance association

    05 December 2017

    John Huff to replace Brad Kading

  • Insurers welcome delay to solvency regulation change in Bermuda

    05 December 2017

    Regulatory reviews in EU and internationally justify delay, says Abir

  • Justice Committee's Ogden advice raises fear of further delay

    30 November 2017

    MPs have told the government it must face the "real world" when implementing the new personal injury discount rate. But its recommendations may cause more delay to the process, and pain for insurers as the industry tussles with making appropriate assumptions. Paul Walsh reports

  • Bermuda ready to negotiate covered agreement with US

    28 November 2017

    Waiting for US to come to the table

  • FSB puts G-Sii designations on hold

    21 November 2017

    No new systemically important insurers named for 2017

  • Regulators seek new tech to probe insurers' quantitative reports

    20 November 2017

    But warn of unregulated value chains when insurers adopt insurtech

  • Insurers downbeat on proposed Solvency II reforms

    10 November 2017

    Eiopa has completed its first major review of Solvency II and, on the biggest issues, its proposals have not gone down well. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Insurers set criteria to define driverless cars

    06 November 2017

    UK law will make car manufacturers liable for crashes under vehicle's control

  • IAIS faces fresh debate on systemic risk – and clash on capital standard

    31 October 2017

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week comes amid a renewed debate about systemic risk in insurers and big questions about the deadlines for developing a global capital standard. Christopher Cundy reports