
  • PRA restricts use of pricing information

    22 August 2014

    Releases update on valuation risk

  • Delta Lloyd enters into €12bn longevity swap

    22 August 2014

    Six-year index-based contract with RGA

  • Allied World to acquire RSA's Hong Kong and Singapore operations

    22 August 2014

    Further $90m needed above purchase price for capitalisation

  • Phoenix counts cost of government initiatives

    22 August 2014

    Annuities and pensions reforms cut value by £57m

  • Large-scale terrorist attack less likely says RMS

    21 August 2014

    Al-Qaida capabilities weakened

  • Validation and adjustment of assumptions in catastrophe models

    21 August 2014

    With the industry no closer to standardised benchmarks, companies will need to compare their own data and analysis with available commercial offerings to ascertain reasonable model uncertainty, argues Guillermo Franco

  • IERM Comment: Mixed messages

    21 August 2014

    The rating agencies are sending out confusing signals for the reinsurance market

  • Fitch upgrades Hannover Re to AA-

    21 August 2014

    Cites strong risk-adjusted capitalisation

  • Expert judgment dominates risk scenario vaildation

    21 August 2014

    Use of external data could increase, suggests Oric

  • Swiss Re has increased exposure to single losses

    21 August 2014

    Fitch revises financial strength outlook to positive