
  • Allianz chief to quit in May

    02 October 2014

    Diekmann was rumoured to be staying to manage Pimco troubles

  • Typhoon Phanfone heads for Japan

    02 October 2014

    Could threaten Grand Prix

  • Catastrophe models for the 21st century

    02 October 2014

    Modern society is incredibly interconnected and creating potentially huge risks that insurers are struggling to capture. RMS's Andrew Coburn explains to Christopher Cundy how a new generation of catastrophe models could be developed to help

  • Allianz rating unchanged despite Pimco reshuffle

    01 October 2014

    S&P holds German insurer at AA

  • Prudential Financial takes $1.4bn in pension liabilities

    01 October 2014

    Bristol-Myers buys group annuity cover

  • Federal Reserve to begin QIS for insurers

    01 October 2014

    Second stage of capital framework overhaul

  • Hill says some EU financial rules may need changing

    30 September 2014

    Resolution framework for non-banks tops agenda of financial services commissioner

  • Towers Watson launches proxy modelling software

    30 September 2014

    RiskAgility should help firms accelerate reporting processes

  • Sovereign holdings weigh down Dai-Ichi Life rating

    30 September 2014

    Solvency margin increases to 756.9%

  • Ace hires de Jong as life CFO

    30 September 2014

    Joins from ING Asia Pacific