
  • Swiss Re to deploy $3bn of excess capital

    03 July 2014

    Seeking 11% return on equity

  • Beleaguered German insurers off the hook for reserve sharing

    03 July 2014

    The government is looking at reforms to counteract the continuing low interest rate environment. Hugo Coelho investigates

  • German insurers face €650m Ela bill

    03 July 2014

    June storm one of the most severe in recent years says GDV

  • PRA to intervene in annuities reform

    02 July 2014

    Engages in dialogue with industry over response to rules overhaul

  • Reinsurance market needs $100bn event to shift prices

    02 July 2014

    Available capital continues to soar, says Aon Benfield

  • North and South Carolina put on hurricane watch

    02 July 2014

    Tropical storm Arthur expected to reach cat 1 status

  • World Bank in debut cat bond issuance

    01 July 2014

    Covers Caribbean quake and cyclone risks

  • Sirius receives Lloyd's green light

    01 July 2014

    Syndicate to migrate to in-house managing agency

  • ABI names next chairman

    01 July 2014

    Tidjane Thiam to step down this month

  • AM Best affirms Lancashire's A rating

    01 July 2014

    Praises strong enterprise risk framework