
  • PRA demands external review for technical provisions calculations

    29 April 2014

    "Events not in data" need to be taken into account

  • PwC partner named Novae CRO

    28 April 2014

    Reeken Patel succeeds Ian Hilder

  • Cat bonds prices fall in busy Q1

    25 April 2014

    Second quarter also set to break records

  • The Gherkin goes into receivership

    25 April 2014

    Major tenant Swiss Re sold building in 2007

  • Bill Keogh becomes CEO of Ultimate Risk Solutions

    25 April 2014

    Former Eqecat president moves on from TigerRisk

  • Risk managers seek answers on internal models

    24 April 2014

    Aviva risk director José Morago to chair IRM forum

  • JP Morgan to manage Resolution Life's funds

    24 April 2014

    Will help manage investment strategy and $12bn fixed income portfolio

  • Prettejohn to chair Scottish Widows

    24 April 2014

    Quit PRA role in March

  • Annuity changes put corporate bonds under pressure

    23 April 2014

    Revisions to the UK's legislation around annuities is causing insurers to rethink investment strategies. Hardeep Dhillon examines the impact on sterling capital markets and demand for assets

  • Reinsurers show solid underwriting gains

    23 April 2014

    But outlook for reinsurance sector is negative, says Fitch report