
  • Searching for the right proxy approaches to life

    29 January 2013

    Care has to be taken in using replicating portfolio techniques, least-squares Monte Carlo approaches and curve fitting for estimating the risk capital of a life insurer, as Tigran Kalberer and Zeljko Strkalj explain

  • Bonds take bigger slice of UK pension assets

    29 January 2013

    Exceeded equity investments again last year, says NAPF

  • Eiopa aims for consistency between supervisory colleges

    29 January 2013

    Has released report on last year and plan for 2013

  • LTG impact study may not end Solvency II delays

    29 January 2013

    Insurance Europe and KPMG warn of "challenging timetable"

  • L&G appoints new CRO

    28 January 2013

    Simon Gadd takes over from Andrea Blance

  • Negative outlook for life insurers but stable for P&C, says Moody's

    28 January 2013

    Both impacted by Solvency II and SMI

  • LTG assessment could have huge implications for annuity firms, says Deloitte

    25 January 2013

    While UK MEP Fox slams ex-ante decision

  • Learning from Japan's 'lost decades'

    24 January 2013

    With much of Europe mired in a deepening recession, the parallels with Japan's 'lost decades' become ever more acute. Paul Fulcher and Teoman Kaplan explore whether European insurers can learn from their Japanese peers in how to deal with a prolonged state of stagnant economic growth and low interest rates

  • Aon Benfield offers index-based weather reinsurance

    23 January 2013

    Swiss Re-backed product an alternative to aggregate cat reinsurance cover

  • Bernardino: SII interim guidelines will be flexible

    23 January 2013

    Gradual implementation envisaged from 1 January 2014