
  • NACRO issues call for ERM papers

    27 August 2013

    Aims to develop "source of literature" on the topic

  • Managing risk through a corporate acquisition spree

    23 August 2013

    As CRO of Australia's QBE, George Thwaites has extensive experience in this area - first when the firm's takeovers were at their height and now as a tough restructuring programme and strategic rethink are being implemented. He tells Christopher Cundy about the systems and cultural challenges involved

  • Cats cost insurers below-average $20bn in first half

    21 August 2013

    Floods main cause of losses, says Swiss Re; cat bonds performing well as Atlantic hurricane season enters peak period

  • FSB widens scope of proposed resolution regime

    21 August 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's consultation on applying the key attributes of resolution regimes to non-banks implies an extension to the range of insurers under scrutiny, as well as to the powers available to supervisors, as InsuranceERM explains

  • Brazil awaits impact from market risk model

    16 August 2013

    Insurers in Brazil are awaiting the outcome of tests on a new model for calculating capital requirements for market risk - the latest step in the country's gradual move towards a Solvency II-style regime. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Time to engage with recovery and resolution planning

    07 August 2013

    The blueprints for recovery and resolution planning are still in development, but insurers of significance to both the global and domestic markets would do well to pay attention now, as David Strachan explains

  • Conduct risk: not just another category for the risk register

    02 August 2013

    The UK's new financial conduct regulator is taking a close look at the insurance industry, but how can firms ensure they don't find themselves embroiled in a mis-selling scandal? Andrew Bird explains

  • Irish regulator to mandate CRO role

    01 August 2013

    All insurers should have a chief risk officer, says CBI

  • New York quizzes reinsurers on compliance with Iran sanctions

    25 July 2013

    Firms face fines and bans for breaching new rules

  • Zurich collaborates on flood resilience research

    25 July 2013

    Enters multi-year collaboration with US and Austrian academics