
  • How the matching adjustment helps insurers in a crisis

    28 February 2013

    Daily solvency monitoring offers valuable insights into an insurers' risk profile and its regulatory capital requirements – and demonstrates the potential power of the matching adjustment. Matthew Cocke, Russell Osman and Russell Ward explain

  • LLMA and IFoA to develop longevity basis risk benchmark

    28 February 2013

    Research will facilitate transfer of longevity risk to capital markets

  • Third of all tornado deaths in mobile homes

    28 February 2013

    Modelling the risk is becoming more important, says Lloyd's

  • ABI lends support to Aon's flood pool

    27 February 2013

    UK insurers would pay a levy into Flood Re

  • Cat modellers set out their platforms

    26 February 2013

    For Eqecat, AIR and RMS, the future is platforms and the promise to give clients more model transparency and control. Open-architecture initiatives such as Oasis are also gearing up. Lorna Davies details the developments

  • Hiscox brands SII "surreal" and FSA "inexperienced"

    25 February 2013

    But the soon-to-retire chairman hands over reins "with a happy heart"

  • Sandy swells Q4 loss for AIG

    22 February 2013

    Storm was second largest single catastrophe event for US insurer

  • The unresolved issues of Solvency II

    21 February 2013

    The delay of full implementation to beyond 2014 will allow extra time for important details in all three pillars of Solvency II to be resolved – and may bring old niggles to the surface again. Lorna Davies looks into some of the outstanding issues, for policy-makers and insurers, that will be kicked over in the coming months

  • European insurers investing less in government bonds

    21 February 2013

    Swiss Re, Ageas, Axa and Zurich reports confirm trend towards corporate bonds and loans

  • L&G agrees largest ever UK longevity deal

    21 February 2013

    Swap insures against BAE Systems' pensioners living longer than expected