
  • Insurance IT spend to total $140bn in 2013

    20 March 2013

    Celent's spending study reports a "cautious but encouraging indicator" of growth

  • Guy Carpenter extends Asia flood model to China

    19 March 2013

    Initial roll-out covers 10 urban areas

  • G-SII announcements expected in June

    18 March 2013

    No word yet on capital surcharges for non-traditional business

  • Eiopa to collaborate with World Bank on risk-based supervision

    18 March 2013

    MoU is "step in the right direction", says Montalvo

  • Survey reveals rift in Solvency II investment data reporting

    15 March 2013

    Asset managers say they are ready; insurers disagree

  • Ageas's van Grimbergen: Matching adjustment is crucial for us

    15 March 2013

    Solvency II's long-term guarantees package has the future of the life insurance industry in its hands, says Emmanuel van Grimbergen, group risk officer of Ageas. He talks to Lorna Davies about his concerns, as well as his doubts about Eiopa's 'interim measures'

  • Generali strengthens capital

    14 March 2013

    But net profit down on impairments

  • Low rates threaten insurers' business models, says Fitch

    14 March 2013

    Insurers will shift business towards protection and annuities products

  • Solvency II to cost twice as much as Crossrail

    13 March 2013

    FSA's SII budget is also "staggering", Andrew Bailey tells MPs

  • PIC and Chamber of Shipping extend pension buy-in by £9m

    13 March 2013

    Already agreed £40m deal in January