
  • PRA to cost £214m this year

    09 April 2013

    UK's new twin peak structure totals £646m

  • IORP QIS "complex and costly"

    09 April 2013

    Eiopa publishes results

  • Eiopa asks for feedback on how SII impacts investments

    08 April 2013

    Discussion paper covers infrastructure, SME and socially responsible investment SRI

  • Prudential still considering HQ move because of Solvency II

    05 April 2013

    Directive cost firm £48m in 2012

  • Life insurance loses out to banking as premiums fall 7.3%

    04 April 2013

    Premiums will grow at historically low rates, says E&Y

  • Compliance costs still rising despite Solvency II delay

    04 April 2013

    "Disappointing quarter" for UK insurers, survey finds

  • Significant changes ahead for insurers' asset allocation

    03 April 2013

    77% fund managers expect insurers to increase exposure to infrastructure

  • Conning to expand research business

    03 April 2013

    Stephen Weberson joins from SFRi to head the business

  • ILS pricing down 70% at April renewals

    03 April 2013

    At its lowest since 1992, says Aon Benfield

  • Perils updates EU windstorm and UK flood data

    03 April 2013

    Windstorm data covers 11 countries