
  • Solvency II: ignoring society?

    30 April 2013

    The role insurers play in our society has not been considered in Solvency II, but it's a pivotal question and one the legislation must answer if it's to succeed in its present form, says Colin Murray

  • PRA risks EU court challenge over early warning indicators

    30 April 2013

    But regulator is doing the right thing, says Eversheds

  • TCIP boosts cat bond market with $400m deal

    29 April 2013

    Ninth cat bond in 2013

  • Turkish insurers must adapt to new risks

    29 April 2013

    Construction industry is driving economy

  • Commission against quick-fix date change for Solvency II

    26 April 2013

    Wants a "letter of comfort" sent to firms instead, according to Lloyd's

  • Delivering on pillar 3 reporting

    26 April 2013

    The reporting element of Solvency II has been brought back into insurers' minds by recent regulatory developments. In a SAS/InsuranceERM webinar, HSBC UK and Gjensidige explained how they are going about it. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Randall & Quilter moves to Bermuda to escape Solvency II

    25 April 2013

    Plans to consolidate run-off portfolios in Malta

  • Guernsey captives "thriving" after Solvency II opt out

    25 April 2013

    Decision provided "new form of clarity" says Timetric

  • Solvency II delay not a problem, says BaFin chief

    24 April 2013

    German supervisor calls for "calm discussion" on implementation

  • Life insurance decline pulls Austrian GWP down 1.2%

    24 April 2013

    But opportunities in eastern Europe, says Fitch