
  • Eiopa details plans for 2013

    22 January 2013

    Another QIS "if required" by trialogue parties

  • Most US insurers expect more federal oversight

    17 January 2013

    III survey of P/C execs reveals 74% believe Washington will expand reach

  • Further discussion needed on G-SIIs, says PCI

    17 January 2013

    Confidentiality rules should be added to ComFrame

  • European risk database planned for 2013

    17 January 2013

    ESAs will focus on consumer protection and risk analysis

  • With-profits rules "disproportionately hard" for small mutuals

    16 January 2013

    FSA opened consultation in December

  • Capital add-ons are here to stay, says IAIS's Kawai

    15 January 2013

    Yoshihiro Kawai heads the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the body responsible for contentious plans to oversee global insurance companies. He talks to Christopher Cundy about consensus and convergence

  • Solvency II and Basel III provide lessons for each other

    14 January 2013

    Insurance directive is broader than banking,says Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Européen

  • Autumn adoption for Omnibus II most likely scenario

    10 January 2013

    Commission suggested January 2015 start for Solvency II, Eiopa meeting minutes show

  • 2013: the ERM challenges ahead

    08 January 2013

    Leading consultants and CROs say getting the most out of Solvency II implementation will be a big challenge for 2013, but other aspects of ERM will reappear on the agenda, as will the necessity of keeping ERM at the heart of business. Here is a compilation of responses to the questions InsuranceERM asked experts just before Christmas

  • Regulators and industry carp at IAIS over G-SIIs

    08 January 2013

    Proposals need "substantial refinement", says BaFin