
  • Swiss Re restructures longevity deal costing $30m/year

    19 February 2015

    Currency moves have negligible impact on 2014 results

  • Genworth downgraded after $478m impairment charge

    12 February 2015

    Further troubles with long-term care business

  • Aon Benfield relaunches VA hedging unit

    11 February 2015

    PathWise Solutions Group to offer high-speed analysis

  • US insurers urge Fed to customise Sifi regulations

    10 February 2015

    Banking regulations are inappropriate, says American Council of Life Insurers

  • Two-thirds of large pension funds look to insure liabilities

    10 February 2015

    Surveyed schemes rank investment and longevity as major risk factors

  • Abbey Life brokers £2bn longevity swap

    10 February 2015

    Three reinsurers take risk from Scottish Power pension scheme

  • Prudential Financial does $37bn of pension risk transfers

    05 February 2015

    Boosted by $27bn BT deal

  • Hymans quantifies basis risk in DB schemes

    30 January 2015

    Schemes' liabilities are undervalued by 0.5% to 2%

  • The pains of standardisation

    29 January 2015

    Insurers planning to use the Solvency II standard formula must convince regulators that it is appropriate to calculate their capital requirements. Hugo Coelho reports on the arguments insurers are putting forward - and what happens if they fail

  • Prudential writes $600m bulk annuity for engineering group

    26 January 2015

    Will pay benefits to 5,000 Timken retirees