
  • Insurers push for access to public health data

    13 November 2015

    Longevity Science Panel says looser terms of access is a 'no-brainer' but public sensitivity inhibits change

  • Storebrand targets late improvements to solvency ratio with tax model

    12 November 2015

    Norwegian life insurer will calculate its after-tax balance sheet for solvency reporting

  • PRA decides on MA applications

    09 November 2015

    About 20 insurers had requested authorisation to use the adjustment

  • PIC in £2.4bn pension buyout

    05 November 2015

    Hannover Re picks up share of longevity risk

  • Woods gives reasons to revise risk margin's formula

    03 November 2015

    Flat 6% cost of capital makes buffer overly sensitive to movements in risk-free rates

  • Apra continues investigation of commercial pricing risk

    02 November 2015

    Australian regulator to consider governance around pricing

  • Swiss Re creates Life Capital unit to drive life book consolidation

    29 October 2015

    Thierry Léger named as CEO

  • Life insurers raise longevity risk calibrations

    26 October 2015

    UK firms will hold more capital under Solvency II

  • Picky cedants add to reinsurers' troubles

    19 October 2015

    Sector faces heightened competition in 2016, says S&P

  • Asset managers need to refocus their Solvency II services

    16 October 2015

    Insurer clients need to trust in data, says MBE International