
  • PRA invites industry comments on matching adjustment

    18 April 2016

    Outlines expectations on changes to MA portfolios and ongoing compliance

  • Rothesay Life hedges £2.4bn of longevity risk in 2015

    11 April 2016

    Reveals Solvency II capital ratio for first time

  • Aegon sells chunk of closed-annuity UK book to Rothesay Life

    11 April 2016

    £6bn transaction will improve Solvency II ratio of UK business to about 165%

  • PIC in pension buy-in and retrocession deal with Siemens

    07 April 2016

    Supports German group's efforts to de-risk and pension liabilities

  • L&G appoints strategic director for pensions risk transfer business

    06 April 2016

    Matt Wilmington joins from Aon Hewitt

  • Complex reinsurance arrangements enter PRA's radar

    05 April 2016

    Moulder warns against risk of overreliance on models

  • UK actuaries revamp research agenda, targetting big data in health modelling

    05 April 2016

    IFoA underwrites £3.1m of global research

  • PRA proposes 'effective value' metric for equity-release mortgages under MA

    01 April 2016

    Part of UK supervisor's wider consultation on asset class

  • L&G has £10bn pipeline of bulk annuity deals

    17 March 2016

    Announces first UK deal of 2016, a £330m pension buy-in

  • Medically underwritten top-slice annuities to trend in 2016

    07 March 2016

    Combining de-risking strategies could pressure longevity swap pricing