
  • Industry must reboot conversation on cyber war and SME insurance problems

    26 June 2023

    Ferma report into cyber risk markets identifies issues insurmountable to date

  • ChatGPT is moving too fast to regulate

    16 June 2023

    Supervisors need to master technology before regulating it, says Clement Cheung

  • Swiss Re: Improve cyber modelling before major issues hit

    16 June 2023

    The Swiss reinsurer previously said limited insurability was restricting cyber market capacity

  • AI needs more regulation, say IAIS members

    16 June 2023

    But overregulation must be watched, says NAIC's Beth Dwyer

  • Arctic opening, to attacks on AI, among insurers' key emerging risks

    14 June 2023

    Swiss Re details new technological, political and environmental threats facing the insurance market

  • Lloyd's of London targets September to unveil sustainability guidance

    08 June 2023

    Markets chief Patrick Tiernan acknowledges poor reception to cyber underwriting rules

  • Global cyber re/insurance losses could hit $33.4bn in a 1:200-year scenario

    01 June 2023

    Guy Carpenter assessed a possible global industry event loss across three cyber modelling platforms

  • Oasis LMF to host open-source ransomware model

    25 May 2023
  • IAIS: cyber skills gap poses supervisory obstacles

    24 May 2023

    An IAIS paper explained the impact of operational resilience issues in the insurance sector

  • Danish regulator consults insurers on data ethics framework for AI

    19 May 2023

    Finanstilsynet warns against "ethics-washing"