
  • Giancarlo Fancel: Focus is on climate risk and the cyber threat

    29 December 2021

    Generali's group CRO reviews the key ERM developments of 2021 and his outlook for 2022

  • Mark Godson: Impact of Covid-19 remains a concern

    24 December 2021

    EY's partner for EMEIA insurance discusses the key ERM developments of 2021 and his 2022 outlook

  • Rising wave of mental health conditions likely to impact insurers

    23 December 2021

    CRO Forum paper discusses the possible burdens on the insurance sector

  • Kirsty Leece: Wishing for a stable economic recovery

    23 December 2021

    Vitality's group CRO reviews the key developments of 2021 and shares her outlook for 2022

  • Scor proposes EU-wide pandemic risk pool for trade credit insurance

    22 December 2021

    French reinsurer reflects on evolution of risk during Covid-19

  • Michael Hosking: "All eyes need to be on inflation"

    22 December 2021

    Gen Re International P&C's CRO reviews the key ERM developments of 2021 and his 2022 outlook

  • Technology investment dropped as a focus for insurers in 2021

    20 December 2021

    LCP polled general insurance non-executive directors about their priorities

  • Moody's Analytics: Covid-19 fast-tracks non-traditional risks

    20 December 2021

    Srini Iyer, senior director for insurance strategy at Moody's Analytics, looks ahead to 2022

  • UK motor claims inflation may rise further in 2022

    15 December 2021

    The cost of settling claims has continued to increase during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Covid-19 deaths still "a long way" from Spanish flu scenario

    14 December 2021

    Germany's excess mortality in pandemic revealed by Destatis