
  • Group seeks to expose the "risk elephants" in the room

    12 November 2013

    Additional volunteers sought for UK actuarial working party

  • Benchmarking the internal capital model

    07 November 2013

    Aon Benfield polled almost 100 users of its ReMetrica capital modelling software to compare how often they ran their internal models, their speed of processing, the number of people involved – and a host of other interesting questions. Jason Noronha and Wing Lam present the results

  • Caution: capital models at work

    06 November 2013

    The prospect of Solvency II led many insurers to spend millions building internal capital models and the time has come to make them work for the business. But basing strategy on a tool that has been developed primarily with compliance in mind is not without risk, as Rob Collinson explains

  • German life insurers face losses if interest rates remain low

    24 October 2013

    Mismatched assets and liabilities and high guarantees leave sector vulnerable, says Moody's

  • The technologies reshaping insurance

    18 October 2013

    The insurance industry doesn't often evoke science fiction. But recent technological advances have been so drastic they could have leapt from the pages of Isaac Asimov. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Chesnara acquires Direct Line's closed life business

    08 October 2013

    Direct Line looking at opportunities to sell new life products

  • Lloyd's Savage highlights benefits of Solvency II readiness

    02 October 2013

    Luke Savage, director of finance and operations at Lloyd's, tells InsuranceERM about the market's reaction to low investment yields, its capital management plans, how it could yet be designated "systemically risky" - and why it's disbanded its Solvency II team.

  • Life insurers struggle to grow business

    30 September 2013

    Persistent low bond yields may lead to run-off and insolvency, says Linklaters survey

  • Irish regulator scolds variable annuity firms for risky strategies

    26 September 2013

    Unprecedented low interest rates pose great risks, warns CBI director

  • Why HR should be in your risk culture club

    20 September 2013

    Who are the custodians of an organisation's risk culture and how can meaningful change be embedded? BaxterBruce's Jon Linturn explains.