
  • Munich Re prepares to issue green bonds

    15 September 2020

    German reinsurer set to join Generali, CNP Assurances and others in issuing green debt

  • Beirut explosion data not granular enough, says Hannover Re

    14 September 2020

    German reinsurer estimates "mid-double digit million euro range" from the event

  • Covid-19 to accelerate hardening of casualty re/insurance market

    11 September 2020

    Finding the proper capital management strategy will be critical, says Guy Carpenter

  • US federal report warns of serious climate threat to financial system

    09 September 2020

    First ever federal analysis of climate change impact on finance counters Trump government policies

  • Bank of England warns insurers of climate change 'liability risk'

    09 September 2020

    Bank also hints at changes to risk charges to encourage insurers to tackle the issue

  • Activists launch tool to scrutinise re/insurers' coal policy

    08 September 2020

    Axa amongst top insurers with most robust policy

  • Protestors target Lloyd's over alleged coal and tar sands support

    01 September 2020

    Climate activists gather outside Lloyd's as its underwriting hall reopens

  • Extreme climate conditions reach new high, North American actuaries warn

    26 August 2020

    Heavy rainfall, sea level and extreme temperatures fuel the trend

  • Australian insurers asked to draft fire risk reductions and cut premiums

    25 August 2020

    Further industry work with government proposed by inquiry into bushfires in New South Wales

  • European insurers dismiss universal climate change adaptation solutions

    24 August 2020

    Insurance Europe responds to EU consultation