
  • RVS 2024: Reinsurers arrive strong, but an uncertain world could test their limits

    06 September 2024

    The annual Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) event begins this weekend in Monte Carlo and reinsurers sail in with robust financials - but there are uncertain waters on the horizon. Joshua Geer reports

  • Europe's climate resilience hinges on insurance and public-private cooperation

    03 September 2024

    The European Commission's Climate Resilience Dialogue has put insurance, and its greater cooperation with public authorities, at the heart of proposals to improve the bloc's resilience to climate change. Joshua Geer reports

  • The EU Taxonomy makes insurers look bad at sustainability - but is it fair?

    16 July 2024

    In their first year of reporting, several major insurers have disclosed that none of their activities qualify as sustainable. Joshua Geer investigates whether the insurers or the EU Taxonomy framework is at fault

  • The emission cost of disasters: a new class of transition risks?

    07 May 2024

    Post-disaster reconstruction comes at a heavy environmental cost - and there are questions over who is responsible for paying. But the risk is as much an opportunity for insurers, as Manuel Lonfat explains

  • Ascot's Steve Guijarro: when to stay old school, or go new school

    30 April 2024

    Ascot's US chief risk officer and group head of exposure management Steve Guijarro talks to Paul Walsh about the fundamentals needed to address extreme weather, the "low hanging fruit" of AI and private equity's increasing influence on insurance

  • NAIC climate data call could leave FIO in the cold

    26 March 2024

    Climate and its impact on insurers has been a source of acrimony between state and federal insurance regulators in the US. The NAIC's recently issued climate data call, following the initiative of FIO, might not represent the warming of relations it initially seems. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Brickbats rain down on Australia's property insurers at parliamentary investigation

    14 February 2024

    Politicians suggested Australia's insurers had only themselves to blame for a humiliating grilling over responses to 2022's flooding. But insurers said constructing homes in flood plains is not exactly helping, as David Walker reports

  • US property rate debate rages as natcats soar

    08 February 2024

    Demands for higher rates for homeowners coverage are creating tensions among consumer groups, regulators and underwriters. Sarfraz Thind reports on attempts to sustain the market as natural catastrophe losses mount

  • Why the world should be watching the US insurance crisis

    19 January 2024

    US insurance is the "canary in the coal mine" when it comes to testing the effects of climate change on business, according to John Morton, ex-climate advisor to Janet Yellen. He speaks to Sarfraz Thind

  • Reinsurers expand their risk radars, but usual suspects aren't far away

    21 September 2023

    The emerging risks identified by reinsurers at the annual Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) event included some familiar foes and new additions, but all are being targeted with confidence. Paul Walsh reports