
  • Childs to take over from Hiscox

    25 February 2013

    Richard Watson will become chief underwriting officer

  • Sandy swells Q4 loss for AIG

    22 February 2013

    Storm was second largest single catastrophe event for US insurer

  • The unresolved issues of Solvency II

    21 February 2013

    The delay of full implementation to beyond 2014 will allow extra time for important details in all three pillars of Solvency II to be resolved – and may bring old niggles to the surface again. Lorna Davies looks into some of the outstanding issues, for policy-makers and insurers, that will be kicked over in the coming months

  • Solvency II has cost RSA £62m in two years

    20 February 2013

    Insurer has also cut its dividend

  • Using least-squares Monte Carlo in a multi-year context

    19 February 2013

    A year ago on this site, Michael Leitschkis and Mario Hoerig explained the advantages of least-squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) over other proxy modelling techniques for estimating capital. Here, with Florian Ketterer and Christian Bettels, they describe how to extend a one-year application of LSMC to scenarios of several years

  • Swedish regulator to implement SII discount rate

    19 February 2013

    Already has temporary floor in place

  • Hiscox chief slams reporting burden, SII internal models

    14 February 2013

    Global regulations are misguided, says Masojada

  • Insurance enterprise risk managment: the state it's in

    14 February 2013

    Insurers' satisfaction with ERM grows, but plans for using economic capital stall - these are among the seven key findings from Towers Watson's recent worldwide survey. Christopher Cundy asks Laura Santori and Martin Pike to explain

  • Contingent capital "shows promise" as cushion for stressed firms

    14 February 2013

    CAS paper provides pricing and valuation models

  • Insurers must be freed to invest for the long term - G30

    13 February 2013

    Think-tank says regulation has deterred long-term investing