
  • Economic scenario generators: a means to many ends

    08 August 2014

    ESGs are widely used in capital calculations and enterprise risk management. Hal Pedersen and Stephen Sonlin explain how these critical tools work and what to look for in a good one

  • Standard Life cashes in on UK pension reforms

    05 August 2014

    Group reaffirms concerns about potential impact of Scottish independence

  • European insurers see embedded values rise

    17 July 2014

    New business aiding recovery says Milliman

  • Insurers lobby for speedy matching adjustment approvals

    11 July 2014

    Insurance Europe calls for fast-track process for repeat applications

  • S&P: Solvency II will boost infrastructure investment

    07 July 2014

    Agency estimates $80bn annual insurer investment globally

  • PRA to intervene in annuities reform

    02 July 2014

    Engages in dialogue with industry over response to rules overhaul

  • PRA ignores insurers on matching adjustment rules

    30 June 2014

    The UK's regulator has failed to clarify the rules for applying the matching adjustment, but has set out conditions for repackaging assets and is inviting firms to engage in a trial application. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Annuities' replacements will fail to uphold profits: Moody's

    27 June 2014

    Profits could halve by 2025

  • BaFin supports participating surplus funds

    23 June 2014

    RfB capital to be recognised as tier 1 under Solvency II

  • Indian supervisor eases limits on derivatives for hedging

    19 June 2014

    Insurers can deal in plain vanilla interest rate instruments longer than one year