
  • Germany hits the brakes on its €32bn ZZR

    04 February 2016

    The ballooning level of additional interest rate reserves has prompted reforms to the rules, but few insurers took advantage in 2015. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Belgium's P&V Group selects Moody's ESG

    04 February 2016

    Economic scenario generator will ensure Solvency II compliance

  • AIG chief quells Sifi concerns

    26 January 2016

    Peter Hancock sees no immediate need to split business

  • Life insurers help boost UK equity release lending to £1.61bn

    25 January 2016

    Lending to drawdown products rises 23% in Q4

  • Delta Lloyd gets out of commercial property

    30 December 2015

    Part of transition to Solvency II

  • Eiopa's 2016 stress test to focus on "double-hit" scenario and low yields

    09 December 2015

    Macroeconomic risks remain top concerns for EU insurers

  • Towers Watson poaches Aviva's capital management director

    08 December 2015

    Marcus Bowser joins the consultant's growing insurance leadership team

  • Carney pans treatment of long-term investments under Solvency II

    07 December 2015

    "More can be done" to create right regulatory framework

  • Scottish Widows enters annuity market with £400m buy-in

    24 November 2015

    Annuity provider beats six insurers to seal maiden deal with Wiggins Teape

  • Towers Watson and Willis merger meetings postponed

    18 November 2015

    Reports suggest insufficient support from Towers Watson shareholders