5 April 2023

InsuranceERM Americas Awards 2023: entries close tomorrow!

Make haste if you want to enter InsuranceERM’s Americas 2023 awards because the entries will close tomorrow - so hurry and submit your nomination before Thursday 6 April at 23:59.

The awards celebrate individuals, teams and companies that have excelled in insurance risk management, as well as actuarial and catastrophe modelling. Initiatives promoting excellence in climate risk, diversity and risk innovation will also be honoured.

Technology and service providers serving the risk and capital management needs of re/insurers will be given their chance to shine. Overall, there are 28 categories to enter and an independent team of judges – comprised of insurance experts from across the Americas regions - will decide the winners.

Winners will be announced on InsuranceERM's website on 16 June and will feature in InsuranceERM's summer print issue.

The deadline for entries is Thursday 6 April at 23:59.  Submit your entry HERE

This year's award categories are as follows:

People and Teams

  • Actuarial team of the year
  • Chief actuary of the year
  • Chief risk officer of the year
  • Lifetime achievement award
  • Risk team of the year
  • Young actuarial professional of the year
  • Young risk professional of the year


  • Alternative capital deal-maker of the year (ILS / collateralised reinsurance)
  • Climate risk initiative of the year
  • Consultancy of the year
  • Diversity initiative of the year
  • Insurer of the year - based on their approach to risk and capital management
  • Insurance asset manager of the year
  • Reinsurer of the year - based on their approach to risk and capital management
  • Risk innovation of the year by a re/insurer
  • Risk consultancy of the year


  • Actuarial modelling solution of the year
  • Analytics solution of the year
  • Catastrophe risk modelling solution of the year
  • Cloud technology solution of the year
  • Cyber solution of the year
  • Data solution of the year
  • ERM end-to-end solution of the year
  • ESG (Economic Scenario Generator) software of the year
  • LDTI solution of the year
  • Operational risk solution of the year
  • Regulatory reporting software of the year
  • Stress scenarios software of the year

Now is the time to act! If you or your colleague / team /company / service provider deserves recognition for their outstanding contributions – submit your entry today. 

You can also read our Ten steps to help win an InsuranceERM award