13 June 2024

Free webinar: Improving productivity, efficiency and reliability in actuarial modelling: which technology to choose?

When building actuarial and financial models, there is a wide choice of solutions: Excel is arguably the easiest but is limited/not secured; Python/C# are programming languages with lots of open sources packages available or vendor dedicated platforms (no code, low code or closed solutions). 

Join InsuranceERM and Milliman for a webinar on 18 June that will examine a range of issues and provide insight to help improve actuarial modelling, with three expert speakers:

  • Guy Brett-Robertson, Senior Systems Actuary, RGA
  • João Saraiva, Associate Professor, University of Minho
  • Pierre Miehe, Principal, Milliman 

Discussion topics will include:

  • Comparing the energy performance of different programming languages
  • Which of the programming language is the fastest? To run? To code? What is the impact on the productivity of the modeller?
  • How to choose a platform/language that is appropriate for the task (complexity, scalability)?
  • Which platforms/languages are best positioned to take advantage from advances in AI/ML?
  • Ensuring security and governance around actuarial modelling calculations

The webinar takes place on Tuesday 18 June at 14.00 (UK) / 15.00 (Europe) / 09.00 (US East Coast) and lasts for approximately one hour. It will also be available to listen on demand.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4017171542583/WN_HlS_ojKiTfO4nnaxuRynTg#/registration


Software - IT