
  • Maerkert to replace Mueller as Hannover Re CRO

    11 January 2016

    Long-standing CRO Mueller to retire this month

  • Fitch: Solvency II transitionals 'distort' comparisons

    11 January 2016

    Rating agency will not use Solvency II reporting to assist ratings

  • Sylvia Cronin on the difficulties facing Irish insurers

    11 January 2016

    The pile of reporting templates will put the industry to test, says Irish supervisor

  • Floods inflict £1.3bn losses on UK insurers

    11 January 2016

    Average payout for each domestic claim expected to be £50,000, says ABI

  • First risk-free rate term structure of the Solvency II era available

    08 January 2016

    Eiopa provides information relevant to the calculation of December's liabilities

  • Numerix expands real-world coverage in CrossAsset

    08 January 2016

    Hull-White and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross 2-factor models introduced

  • Kevin Borrett on the faults of the matching adjustment

    08 January 2016

    Lobbying to include morbidity risk products in the list of eligible products for the adjustment is a priority for 2016, says Unum's chief risk officer

  • KBC boasts of "well above average" Solvency II capitalisation

    08 January 2016

    Belgian insurer reports 242% coverage ratio under the standard formula

  • IAIS flags risks of M&A

    07 January 2016

    Shocks between organisational cultures singled out as area of supervisory focus

  • Andy Sharpe on the flaws of Solvency II

    07 January 2016

    Reporting should be kept private in the early days to allow time for the industry, the regulators and other stakeholders to understand the new regime, says Munich Re's chief risk officer for life reinsurance