
  • Swiss Re seeks unit-linked above annuities in closed-book consolidation drive

    23 February 2016

    Credit risk mounts following Guardian acquisition

  • Allianz fights to protect Solvency II ratio from jittery markets

    23 February 2016

    Volatility threatens to eat away 20 points of capital surplus at the end of the first quarter

  • UFR reduction should be tied to relaxation of MA - Vet

    22 February 2016

    Former chairman of CRO Forum argues industry is addicted to UFR benefit

  • Allianz Re in $1.1bn legacy reinsurance deal with Enstar

    19 February 2016

    Joint management of run-off claims will be established at Allianz Resolution Management US

  • Aegon shrugs off market volatility

    19 February 2016

    Solvency II group ratio moved by 5% in the first few weeks of the year

  • Standard Life Solvency II ratio at 162%

    19 February 2016

    Business is stronger than the headline ratio suggests, management says

  • PRA draws red line on longevity risk deals

    18 February 2016

    Regulator points to collateralisation to mitigate counterparty risk

  • Euler Hermes gets €268m add-on to Solvency II internal model

    18 February 2016

    Belgian regulator treating company as "cyclical monoline"

  • EU and US kick off negotiations for covered agreement

    18 February 2016

    Solvency II equivalence is linked to reducing reinsurance collateral requirements

  • "Financial markets have yet to get to grips with Solvency II," says Deloitte's Vet

    18 February 2016

    Some insurers set to beat market expectations in first round of solvency reporting