
  • Commission approves French reinsurance scheme

    26 September 2016

    CCR's government guarantee does not breach state aid rules

  • Amdal appointed CFO in Gjensidige management reshuffle

    26 September 2016

    Moves come ahead of 190 job losses

  • UK general insurers keep hiring despite Brexit uncertainties

    26 September 2016

    PwC/CBI finds 33% have not analysed the impact of Brexit on staff

  • Eiopa puts insurance resolution back on the agenda

    23 September 2016

    Authority to consult on minimum harmonisation of tools and powers before year-end

  • Commission is 'tabooing' sovereign risk, says MEP

    22 September 2016

    Sven Giegold fears treatment of government bonds will be excluded from 2018 Solvency II review

  • Lloyd's director plays down regulator's fears over capital

    22 September 2016

    Soft market impact is limited and model drift unlikely, says finance director

  • Insurers caught off-guard by Priips 'soft launch'

    22 September 2016

    Experts advise firms to identify products and data they need to perform the calculations

  • FCA scales down plan to probe big data pricing

    21 September 2016

    Regulator still fears higher costs and lack of cover for some

  • Plan for capital squeeze after severe loss event, PRA tells general insurers

    21 September 2016

    Regulator fears market-turning event could coincide with financial turmoil

  • EU-US talks on covered agreement resume

    21 September 2016

    Pressure on negotiators mounts as firms face increasing barriers to do business