
  • Risk margin reform harder after Brexit vote, says Woods

    19 July 2016

    PRA chief says buffer is procyclical and not justified by historical evidence

  • GI reserve releases at 30-year high

    19 July 2016

    UK authority questions sustainability of trend

  • L&G strikes bulk annuity deal in midst of Brexit turmoil

    19 July 2016

    Completes £750m buy-in with ICI Pension Fund

  • IAIS moves forward with global capital standard

    19 July 2016

    Industry concerned by ambitious timetable and lack of political support

  • AIR Worldwide creates global resilience practice

    18 July 2016

    Will help insurers apply catastrophe modelling to disaster risk financing

  • FRC consults on Solvency II audit standards

    18 July 2016

    UK audit authority to adopt international standards

  • UFR changes must be back tested

    18 July 2016

    Insurance Europe warns rushed changes could threaten investment returns for policyholders

  • Arium links with Advisen on casualty accumulation studies

    15 July 2016

    Helping firms predict the next asbestos

  • LV= gets regulator's nod to use the volatility adjustment

    15 July 2016

    Follows successful matching adjustment application

  • Firms invited to recalculate transitional

    15 July 2016

    Triggered by fall in swap rates after EU referendum, says Hymans Robertson