
  • Andy Bord appointed interim CEO at Flood Re

    16 January 2017

    He replaces Brendan McCafferty

  • Insurers urged to improve service for vulnerable customers

    16 January 2017

    Research finds inconsistency within internal functions and across industry

  • NAIC slams secretive process behind covered agreement

    16 January 2017

    Could act as "backdoor to force foreign regulations on US companies"

  • Covered agreement signed between EU and US

    13 January 2017

    US now fully equivalent with Solvency II

  • JBA launches Vietnam flood model

    13 January 2017

    Extreme flood potential detected after 2011 Thai floods

  • UK industry chiefs convene to discuss post-Brexit regulation

    12 January 2017

    Insurers, IFoA, Lloyd's and ABI called to give evidence about Solvency II

  • Solvency II map updated

    12 January 2017

    Using data from Eiopa LTG report and stress tests

  • PIC and JRP take on pension scheme risks

    12 January 2017

    JRP predicts increase in activity for 2017

  • Axa issues $1bn tier 2 bond

    12 January 2017

    Will be used to refinance part of outstanding debt

  • ABI publishes guide to attaining customers' medical data

    11 January 2017

    With input from the Information Commissioner's Office and British Medical Association