
  • Repeal of Obamacare could be positive for insurers

    10 November 2016

    End of Affordable Care Act would offer greater underwriting flexibility, argues Fitch

  • Guy Carpenter updates reserve risk and capital modelling tools

    10 November 2016

    Enhanced automation for MetaRisk Reserve; improvements to MetaRisk run-times

  • Aegon's Dutch Solvency II ratio knocked by VA revision

    10 November 2016

    More hedging of sovereign spread risk

  • US insurance association sees positive side of Trump victory

    09 November 2016

    Anti-regulation stance will be positive for insurance market, says PCI vice-president

  • European Commission delays Priips by 12 months

    09 November 2016

    Council and Parliament agree substance of the rules are not for review, says Commissioner

  • Low rates prompt Munich Re to use Solvency II transitionals

    09 November 2016

    Despite "comfortable" group solvency ratio of 250%

  • Trump win could spark volatility in US treasuries

    09 November 2016

    US now less likely to normalise interest rates, argues Hermes

  • LV= proposes ditching enhanced annuities to focus on drawdown

    09 November 2016

    Pension freedoms, Solvency II and 'depressing' rates are culprits

  • Commission and Parliament negotiate reworking of Priips

    08 November 2016

    Regulation to be delayed by 12 months, says Giegold

  • PIC completes £140m buy-in with ICI pension fund

    08 November 2016

    Pension de-risking deals continue apace