
  • FSB designates same nine G-Siis

    21 November 2016

    New IAIS designation methodology was not used

  • Trump election doesn't change AIG stance on Sifi designation

    18 November 2016

    But CEO says change of FSOC board could reduce importance of designation

  • Insurers face up to $3.5bn bill from New Zealand earthquake

    18 November 2016

    Government scheme will help alleviate residential losses

  • NN highlights Delta Lloyd capital woes in M&A battle

    17 November 2016

    Merger still makes "strategic and financial logic" says NN

  • Solvency II can be fixed without Brexit, say UK insurers

    17 November 2016

    Responses to Treasury Select Committee inquiry avoid criticising EU

  • Inadequate planning main obstacle for risks experts to innovate

    17 November 2016

    Ineffective organisational structures also to blame, reports FIS study

  • Delta Lloyd battles volatile SII ratio

    17 November 2016

    "Clearly more to do," says CFO

  • GDV cuts jobs in bid to reduce complexity and costs

    17 November 2016

    German association forms three 'centres of competence' as part of restructure

  • Econ trashes Eiopa's UFR plans

    16 November 2016

    MEP Gualtieri suggests no new methodology until 2021

  • LV= quits annuity market

    16 November 2016

    Decision comes after consultation last week