
  • Munich Re deleverages to strengthen capital position

    09 August 2017

    Reduces subordinated debt to bring leveraged debt ratio below 10%, while solvency ratio falls to 261%

  • Sale of Goldman Sachs's stake in Rothesay Life confirmed

    09 August 2017

    Singapore sovereign fund and Blackstone to take lion's share in bulk annuity provider

  • PRA chief flags increase in Brexit-related Part VII transfers

    09 August 2017

    Sam Woods says 254 insurers responded to request for details of Brexit contingency plans

  • Longevity review boosts L&G's half year profits

    09 August 2017

    Release of £126m of annuity reserves

  • German insurers brand Solvency II QRTs a "data graveyard"

    08 August 2017

    Quantitative reporting demands criticised in trade association survey

  • UK regulator proposes internal model maintenance fee

    08 August 2017

    Basis for fees switches to best-estimate liabilities and gross written premiums

  • UK insurers seeking certainty on processing data under GDPR, says ABI

    08 August 2017

    Restriction would impact insurers business models, says law firm

  • Aegon offloads advisory unit to improve solvency capital

    08 August 2017

    Sale expected to boost €225m capital and 6pp solvency ratio for Dutch business

  • Tech firm promises low-cost, flexible economic scenario generator

    08 August 2017

    Financial Canvas takes on established players with claims of faster recalibration

  • Hurricane forecasters converge on above-average Atlantic season predictions

    07 August 2017

    Weak El Niño and warmer water are to blame