
  • Catastrophes build pressure to revert to acceptable pricing, says Chubb

    27 October 2017

    Swiss group reveals $1.9bn of losses from recent disasters

  • California wildfires to cause up to $3bn of insured losses, says AIR

    27 October 2017

    Half of higher end of RMS's initial estimates

  • US Treasury rejects Sifi methodology for insurers

    27 October 2017

    Prudential Financial and MetLife are given a huge boost by latest Treasury report, which favours an activities-based approach over the entity-based systemic risk evaluations

  • UK insurers criticise regulator after parliamentary report on Solvency II

    27 October 2017

    Trade body says PRA will have to go further in its proposed reforms

  • Treasury Committee finds fundamental discord between UK insurers and their regulator

    27 October 2017

    Underwriters and supervisor "lack confidence" in each other, committee report says

  • Draft Eiopa paper recommends no change to Solvency II risk margin

    26 October 2017

    Decision likely to anger UK annuity industry

  • Mapfre expects $207m losses from recent natcats

    26 October 2017

    Combined ratio jumps and net profit falls 22% in first nine months

  • Nat cats hit Scor with €267m quarterly net loss

    26 October 2017

    Retrocession programme shields reinsurer from significant capital losses, but the period is a 'wake-up call' for the industry

  • Munich Re expects $3.2bn cost from trio of hurricanes

    26 October 2017

    German group still on track for "small profit" in 2017

  • Internal models "by and large consistent" on sovereign risk, says Eiopa

    25 October 2017

    EU authority issues update on its internal model consistency projects